• Personal Training equals improving mental attitude

    Hard strength training drains our physical energy. When we reach a certain point, our body will try to stop us from moving. Your breathing becomes really fast, you cannot lift your arms or even stand on your feet. But as most of you know, strength training doesn’t stop there, especially when you have a personal trainer beside you. Personal trainers will push you until your mental energy takes over your body. That is when your real training starts.

    You are really tired and you do not want to keep going anymore. You just think you should not train anymore. But your trainer won’t let you quit. He/she demands you to drive forward. In order for you to keep going, you must use the strength of your mental attitude to keep you going. Through this kind of training, we will know that our physical limitation is not really our limitation and will also develop a sense of “don’t quit and keep going”.

    This kind of training is also a small version of our life. There are moments in our life that we cannot run away from. In such situations, the most important thing we should have is a sense of “don’t quit and keep going”. By training hard with our mind, we can also gain self-confidence in which we can overcome any kind of crushing situations.

    There is more to learn from this kind of training. We should appreciate those trainers who give us the hard training. Hard training, after all, is for us to improve our mental attitude not just our physical. Some individuals at some point hate their personal trainer because they gave them difficult training and boundaries. But one day they notice that it was only for them to improve their conditioning skills AND their mental attitude.

    Here is also a very important thing to learn. Trust. Personal trainers will give you difficult training because they know this training will pay off and improve your strength and mental attitude. When clients realize that, a strong bond is developed between the trainer and client. This is a moment of connection. We’ve all heard this before but it is not the same as “sunk in”.

    We need discipline to take hard training and we gain such senses of “not giving up” and improving our mental attitude. Strength and conditioning has created great personal trainers. Those trainers are not only there to hold you accountable and build a great body. Those trainers are their for you to improve you mental attitude and not to give up.

    Thanks for reading.

    Vincent A.

    “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill

  • GRH-PEP Week 1: Day 2

    Anyone can give up

    Week 1: Day 2

    Warm Up:

    Self-Myofascial Release (Foam Roll): LatsThoracic Spine (Back)Piriformis/GlutesHip Flexors/TFLIT BandQuadsAdductor ComplexHamstringsCalves


    800m run @85% MHR

    rest 3 min (walk)



    • Cool down stretch and foam roll after exercising
    • Consume water
  • GRH-PEP Week 1: Day 1

    2 types of pain

    Week 1: Day 1

    Warm Up:

    Self-Myofascial Release (Foam Roll): LatsThoracic Spine (Back)Piriformis/GlutesHip Flexors/TFLIT BandQuadsAdductor ComplexHamstringsCalves


    Quadruped Arm/Opposite Leg Raise (Bird Dog) x5/side

    Rocking Ankle Mobilization x8/side

    Squat to Stand w/ Overhead Reach x5/side

    Scapular Wall Slide x10

    Walking Spiderman with Hip Lift x5/side

    Strength Training:

    A) Front Squat— 5×3

    B) Barbell Sumo Deadlift— 5×2

    C1) DB Reverse Lunge from Deficit— 3×8/side

    C2) Feet-Elevated Push-up— 4×10

    D1) Seated Cable Row – Neutral Grip— 3×12

    D2) Pallof Press (standing)— 3×10/side


    • Cool down stretch and foam roll after exercising
    • Consume water
    • Consume post-workout nutrition within 1 hour.
    • Eat real food!


    Use enough weight/resistance that you can ONLY complete the desired number of repetitions.

  • Suffering for Others – The Passion of John Templeman & the Legendary Burpeeathon

    Saturday morning in Seattle…The rain is coming down with a vengeance as the 12th Man Legion prepares for the battle against the New Orleans Saints just a few miles away. And I too am preparing…to help a friend with a battle unlike any other.

    I’m at Crossfit Belltown (http://crossfitbelltown.com/) with the Seattle/Tacoma TRVLSQD Team to assist John Templeman in his quest to raise money for his beloved Green Beret Foundation (http://greenberetfoundation.org/). He’ll attempt to execute as many burpees in 6 hours as he can – a feat 99.9% of this world wouldn’t even consider attempting. I’d rather help manage the pouring of the cold nectar supplied by Georgetown Brewery (http://georgetownbeer.com/) ,update our teams across the country, and to simply be on hand to witness such an unusually beautiful spectacle!

    John is a sinewy fella, a jovial spirit with the toughness of a truly weathered warrior. He had his “stage” set….the towels, the electrolyte drinks, the bucket of water, food, the countdown timer, the Team he had asked for, and most importantly – he had a focus as intense as any professional athlete (you’d just never know it – that Templeman grin reveals nothing, except to leave you wondering what is really going on in his mind).

    As the minutes turned into hours, you could see the burpee demons nibbling on John’s shoulders, his wrists, and eventually a knee. Between watching the live broadcast of the game and trying to focus on the task at hand, I was lucky enough to simply watch John fight…..and fight….and fight, until he did reach the end of the suffering. Pride is the only thing anyone felt at this moment…a chance to congratulate John as his sweaty carcass lay on the floor. He had a new personal best, and he surpassed his financial goal. Mission complete.

    To everyone that supported him, friends, family, co-workers, teammates, and those across the country – there is always something to be passionate about. Go find your passion – and suffer well!




  • GORUCK Heavy- Performance Enhancing Program (GRH-PEP)

    GORUCK Heavy- Performance Enhancing Program (GRH-PEP)

    Developed by VGA Strength & Conditioning


    GRH-PEP is designed for the mass population and results will vary. If you follow the guidelines and train hard 6 days per week, you will become physically stronger, leaner, and increased aerobic performance. The conditioning sessions are designed to provide results; however what you put into your training is what you get from it.

    Providing feedback and asking questions will help your training sessions. I will try to address any questions or concerns when time allows. This is NOT free personal training so please don’t get frustrated if your question’s may go unanswered.

    The GRH-PEP starts Monday the 13th of January, and will end Saturday the 22nd of March. Each workout will be published at 12am everyday on the TRVLSQD training page found here.

    To get the most from GRH-PEP please read the following:

    GRH-PEP Guidelines:

    1. Define your goals prior to using the GRH-PEP. If you have trouble with this, contact me.
    2. The program will assume the participant has over one year experience in conventional strength training and aerobic conditioning.
    3. Strength condition 3 days a week.
    4. Perform set aerobic/ruck conditioning 3 times a week.
    5. Practice mobility every day.
    6. Walk vigorously as much as possible non-aerobic and rucking days.
    7. Eat a diet consisting of lean proteins, healthy fats, vegetables, and small amounts of fruit.
    8. Eat the least amount of meals you need to eat and practice portion control. Skipping a meal will not hinder your results.
    9. Unless a specific rest period is given, follow the general rule of “rest as long as you need but as little as you have to” between sets.

    Other thoughts:

    1. GRH-PEP is not personalized. So it may not be suited for your current goals or level of ability.
    2. Please use your best judgment went performing these exercises. If you’re not comfortable performing a specific exercise, then don’t. Common sense goes a long way.
    3. If you want a personalized program design and nutritional outlines, then subscribe to my online distance coaching or hire a local fitness professional.

    The guidelines and notes I have provided are general and I’m sure this will generate a few complaints. Keep in mind the GRH-PEP is meant to prepare individuals to complete a GRH event. How hard you train and mentally prepare for the event is on you.

    Vincent A.

  • 2014 – The Year of Hope

    There are too many great things that have happened in 2013 for TRVLSQD, too many experiences I simply do not have time to mention in this post. And actually – I don’t really want to. But I will mention these key moments:

    • Ed & Tanya – your fight against a disease we all despise, gives me the reason to keep pressing on with the reason behind TRVLSQD – Helping Others. Ed- your drive will always be an inspiration!
    • Cadre Rich – Thank you for service to this country. While you are away from your family, you are always in our thoughts and will continue to be until you return home. Stay alert – Stay alive!
    • To every single TRVLSQD Member – You are my Team, my Family, the reason behind what I do and what you all push me to do. I will not stop until there is no one left to help!
    • To GRT Rod – you have started a wonderful mission to help the less fortunate. I will do everything I can to help you!

    This picture is THE picture I will take from this year into the next. 2014 is ours TEAM!




  • John Templeman – the 1st Pacific Northwest Selectee,

    “Didn’t you hurt your shoulder like 3-4 weeks ago at the Tacoma GRC?”

    A question John asked me at Class 053, Seattle. He was amazed that I’d actually show up so soon after my shoulder challenge – What I didn’t know was John was already one of the toughest, young, mother%^&*ers I’d ever cross paths with! Whether he’s sharing a beer with you, telling his great stories (he has a few) or out training with you – he will always show you the meaning of “Great Livin'”!
    He has done KOKORO (http://www.sealfit.com/camps-academies/kokoro-camp/), he’s a GRT, and yes he’s the 1st ever Pacific Northwest GORUCK Selectee. I’m posting this because he’ll never ask me to post for him, and with his Burpeethon just around the corner, I’d be amiss to not mention my friend John during this time of the Neptune Beach Selection.

    Thanks for forging ahead for us John, see you next month!




  • David Thomas – The Second Pacific Northwest Selectee


    David Walk 3

    It only makes sense during GORUCK Selection-Neptune Beach, to revisit one of the greatest individuals you could ever hope to meet, let alone call brother. David Thomas calls the Pacific Northwest his home, and TRVLSQD his Team. To learn more about how this humble soul acquired one of the rarest honors in personal accomplishments, go to the following links to the 5-Part Series on YouTube (recorded by GRT and TRVLSQD Member Sean Honeywell) about how David prepared himself for arguably one of the toughest tests anyone could sign up for, let alone pass!




