MAY 2, 2014, 6:00pm, DRIP CITY COFFEE

    START POINT: Drip City Coffee

    2929 1st Ave, Seattle, WA 98121

    GEAR: GORUCK LOAD-OUT, Extra Clothes, Towel (Yes – you’ll be getting wet:)

    OTHER: We’ll be heading back to DCC afterwards for a celebratory drink and send-off!



    This Friday we will bring all of the last three Sessions to a culminating Event. Session 4 will give you a last chance (as part of these Sessions) to be part of a group, to test your Ruck Loadout, to test any other gear, to work through various GORUCK PT Exercises / Drills / Movements, etc. You’ll be able to ask ANY question that you have, and hopefully we’ll be able to answer.

    I want to thank each and every one of you for attending Session 1,2 and 3, and I hope that what you’ve learned will enable you to be better prepared – not only as a participant – rather that TEAMMATE that everyone else will be able to depend on when they are suffering and fighting personal demons – the ones trying to get them to quit.

    You’re all about to learn – It was never about you, it’s about your TEAM!

    See you all soon – Aloha:)


  • Honoring Family & the Fallen – W. Stites & Pat Tillman


    April 26, 2014
    The Team gathered for what we call SAT7, or our Saturday morning workout. It was a gorgeous sunny morning, with a slight wind making it brisk. This was no ordinary workout, it was no ordinary morning. On Easter Sunday, a week back, one of our Team lost his father. Family is what is most important to us, and we wanted to show our support and respect executing our Tribute workout. This one was aptly named STITES053. It consisted of 5 Exercises, 3 Sets of the 5, 53 seconds of rest between exercises. It was definitely a strenuous workout, something we needed to do. Like I said – it wasn’t an ordinary morning…..


    It was also the morning of Pat’s Shadow Run for the Pat Tillman Foundation. (http://pattillmanfoundation.org/about-us/) Our team decided to get our Tribute workout in, then cover the 4.2 miles with a log – symbolic of our Team coming together to accomplish one thing – HONOR. It was never a race for us – we completed it our way. Although most were already gone when we crossed the finish line, the Event Organizers were still there, as was the owner of Lock N Load Java – LTC (R) Carl Churchill – a fellow GRT from Salt Lake City. Carl saw the Team working out before the run, and his curiosity brought him over (he had a hunch we were linked to GORUCK). After learning he was GRT, I asked him to lead one Round of Exercises. He enthusiastically jumped right in (although he was recovering from a leg injury – it didn’t stop him:)

    The sun was shining, spirits were high, and for you W. Stites & Pat Tillman – TEAM FIRST – FAMILY ALWAYS!

  • SESSION 3 – MSG ED HALL, An Evening on Leadership & Teamwork

    This past Friday, Tacoma South Sound Sports hosted Session 3 of a 4-Part Series of Training’s designed to help folks prepare for their first GRC or GR Light. Ed dived right into the Session by introducing himself through stories of his childhood. Anyone could have turned it into a “brag session” on accomplishments – Not Ed. It is much more important to Ed for folks to understand that he is just as human as the next person out there. Challenges in his upbringing – from homelessness, to family uncertainty, to going hungry, and other details he poured from his heart. It wasn’t something the group expected to first hear from such a decorated soldier. I know I wasn’t. It was a sign of what the night had in store for all of us – Ed was relating to his audience, simply another way to show how to be a leader.


    Ed spoke on Leadership Traits, things he expected of the Team Leaders during a Challenge or Light, and various points to help anyone to successfully be a Better Participant.
    (I have not gathered the notes from his presentation. Hopefully at a later date I’ll be able to get the overview/outline and present it in another post)

    Once Ed had presented the material he wanted to disclose, it was then that the fireworks began! I had no idea that he was going to initiate the HALL OF PAIN right then and there in the office, and so it turned into a very quick sufferfest of sweat & skinny jeans! I had to open the office windows as the temperatures quickly climbed and the suffering reached comedic levels! Let’s just say that we have a TON to learn about Special Forces and our local history.


    The Session did quickly require plenty of Teamwork, and more importantly – MAKE A #$%^ing DECISION! This became more important and apparent as the Mission continued. Although Ed could only smile as the attempts to cross his HANDS ONLY ZONE failed time after time, in the end he did help the Team to refocus on the task to eventually complete the Evolution. Yes Ed showed the Team in a matter of seconds what was failed to be accomplished in 25 or so minutes!


    It was a very informative night, and it gave me a glimpse into the future of TRVLSQD. We are here to create better participants, and by the looks of the recent training – including this epic Session with Ed Hall, I have no doubt that the caliber of Leaders will continue to climb!

  • GORUCK Challenge Training – SESSION 3 – An Evening on Leadership with MSG Ed Hall

    Friday – April 25th, 2014

    Time: 7:00pm

    Location: Tacoma South Sound Sports
    1119 Pacific Avenue, Suite 500
    Tacoma, WA 98402


    This Friday evening, 7:00pm, Tacoma South Sound Sports will host an evening presented by TRVLSQD. This is the 3rd Session as we help folks to be better prepared for their next GORUCK Challenge & Light. Don’t miss an evening to learn about:

    • Teamwork
    • Leadership
    • Personal Growth

    Our Speaker: MSG Ed Hall

    Ed has been a part of the TRVLSQD Family since 2013. He and his family continue to support our efforts to help others to the best of our abilities. He is a Green Beret with 1st Special Forces Group (A) based out of Joint Base Lewis McChord. Although he maintains a very busy schedule, he is very excited to come speak to all of us. His ability to relate to folks not associated with the military, falls right in line with the GORUCK Mission of bridging the gap between our military & civilians. Ed will give all of us insight into his life, his service to this country, and most of all – how we can lead better lives by helping others!

    You’ll get to meet and talk to a dear friend of TRVLSQD and you’ll be able to get an insight into someone who will someday be Cadre for GORUCK!

    Feel free to bring a beverage or six to share with everyone!

  • Alki Beach Sessions – Approach to the May GORUCK Challenge & Light

    Saturday, April 19th, 7:00am

    It was a brisk morning, and a beautiful one to get a great workout in on the beach. To all of you that showed up to be part of the Team Workout – well done! If you are new to these Sessions – Welcome! TRVLSQD will continue to host these and we know that by coming out, we’ll continue to help you to be less afraid of the suffering. You’ll learn to embrace it as a means of conquering your fears. Just don’t show up late unless you love attention, and never be afraid to jump right in!


    It’s always fun having one of our workouts during any kind of activity on Alki Beach. I know plenty of folks were curious as to what we were doing, especially those on hand for the Earth Day 5K. We’ll never apologize for being awesome! Thank you to Brian Lohr from All-Day Ruckoff for the awesome pics…..and a special shout-out to those who suffered far after we were done (you trainees for Selection:)

    Aloha – See all of you soon,


  • Preparing for a GORUCK Challenge & Light – Session 1 & 2

    Friday. April 18th, 7:00pm

    I was excited for the opportunity to meet the “new blood” – the folks that are preparing for the GORUCK Challenge & Light. Drip City Coffee Company is definitely our rally-point for all things TRVLSQD in Seattle, and they were once again a fantastic host! The Team was on hand to cover information that could help folks to be better prepared for their first GRC, Light, or even be a refresher. I was very happy to meet the ones that were lucky enough to attend. We had plenty of drinks flowing (thank you Mark:) and even better conversations were had! I know the information that was presented will allow for a better and more prepared participant.

    Here’s what we covered:

    • Gear – Ruck, Clothing, Boots, Accessories, Bricks,
    • Nutrition – Drinks, Food, Snacks and BEER:)
    • Cold Water Immersion
    • Footcare


    Some even doubled up the learning experience and showed up for the Alki Beach Workout early Saturday morning! As these Sessions continue, they will only get better and more of you will crush that GORUCK Challenge and Light. Thank you to Mark & Jeremy from Drip City Coffee Company for hosting these Sessions, to Brian Lohr from All-Day Ruckoff for the pictures, to the TRVLSQD GRT’s that were on hand to give feedback, and to the attendees – without you none of this would have been possible.

    Don’t miss Session 3 – Leadership with Special Guest MSG Ed Hall in Tacoma on April 25th at 7:00pm!



  • SAT7 – GORUCK Challenge & LIGHT PT Training & Team Building!

    Come on out this Saturday for a great workout! TRVLSQD will be leading folks through our kind of fun! Water, Team Weight, PT, Sand, Rain…..wait else could you ask for! See you there!



  • TRVLSQD Pre-GORUCK Challenge & Light Training Sessions 1 & 2

    Session 1 and 2