• A Special Message from Cadre Bert

    In early May, Cadre Bert sent out a special message to the GORUCK Tough family. As a power lifter, you’ll see why I’m excited.

    “Check it out…..there is an art to rucking. Some people are naturally gifted and can ruck the lights out, others like myself have to work hard at it.

    For those of us that are not naturally gifted at rucking….we have to train all aspects of the body and engage those weaker areas will well rounded strength-training. Obviously being 300lbs and a ball of muscle is not the best setup for rucking, but being well-rounded and strong in lower body, core, and upper body will only make you a better rucker…..especially when the weight increases.

    Arguably the three primary lifts always have been and always will be Bench Press, Deadlift, and Back Squat. Since as early as the 1950’s, different American sports teams from high school all the way to the pros have had a special lifting clubs.

    Well Meatheads…you asked for it so now you got it. I would like to introduce the “GORUCK 1000lb Club.” There will also be a 500lb Club and 750lb Club for women only and a 1200lb Club for the super Meatheads.

    500 lbs750 lbs

    1000 lbs1200 lbs


    The GORUCK 1000-Pound Club is a combination of your squat, dead lift and bench press. A lifter must meet or exceed 1000 lbs., with any combination of these three lifts, to become a member.

    Specific Cadre will be designated as graders.

    Each participant has to schedule an appointment with a Cadre coming to their area and must use their gym/box as well as provide their own spotter for Bench Press and Back Squat.
    Gloves, Wrist Wraps, and/or Lifting Straps are permitted. Bench Press Suits/Shirts are not allowed.
    Weight lifting belts are permitted for all 3 lifts.
    All 3 lifts must be completed in one session, monitored by same Cadre for all 3 lifts.


    Power arch is permitted, but participant’s glutes and upper back/shoulders MUST stay in contact with the bench at all times.
    Feet must remain stationary throughout the lift.
    Spotter may assist participant in liftoff, but not during lift. Participant gives “READY” signal to spotter. Cadre will look for a “SHOW OF CONTROL” in which the bar and the body must be completely still.
    Weight bar must come down so the elbows reach a minimum of 90 degrees.
    Bar MUST touch the chest, but no bounce is permitted.
    Full extension must be reached before re-racking the bar.
    Bad lifts include:
    Extreme instability of the bar
    Extreme body movement (I.e. feet leaves the floor).


    Participant must have full control and stability during entire movement.
    Thighs must be parallel, or close to parallel, to the ground during completion of squat.
    Bad lifts include:
    Uneven, or excessive, leaning towards one side.
    Rounding of your lower back.
    Extreme instability of the bar.
    Taking steps during lift.


    Lift must start from the ground.
    Participant must maintain straight or slightly arched posture.
    Hip and knees must move evenly during lift.
    Body must reach full extension before dropping weight.
    Bad lifts include:
    Uneven, or excessive, leaning towards one side.
    Extreme Instability of the bar.
    Rounded back posture.


    Start training now……more to follow and standby. The patches are being made as we speak. You want this one….you gotta earn it like all the other GORUCK patches, but this one you have to earn by yourself.

    You’ll pass out before you die!”

    Guess who’s gunning for the 1250lbs club? BOOM!

    Stay strong, keep breathing, and my life for Iron!

  • Hulk Out: The Multi-Tasker*

    The Multi-Tasker is an AMRAP-style workout. What’s AMRAP you say? As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible. If you’re familiar with GORUCK’s Training page, one who practices CrossFit, or a crazy meathead (-points at myself-), then this is a cringe worthy acronym.

    This particular workout is to be performed as a circuit: complete one exercise then move on to the next. Although it is only 4 exercises with 4 reps each exercise, this workout can sneak up on you quick. Make sure to get your stations at the ready ahead of time. We’re looking for total rounds completed during a set time. How long you rest and what you do between each set is entirely up to you. And as always, STAY TRUE TO FORM.

    With GR events, you’ll never know what the Cadre wants you to do until you’re instructed to do so. The Multi-Tasker is meant to keep you on your toes but keep you moving, while at the same time testing your abilities to concentrate.

    This is a gym friendly workout…well, figuratively speaking. You will be hogging a squat station for some time. If you’re lucky, grab 2 Olympic bars (one on the ground ready for the power clean/push press combo and one prepped for back squats). So be prepared to make gym-emies. It can be done at home as long as there’s enough space and can be easily modified by using sandbags or a heavy ruck.

    It’s you versus the clock. How many complete sets can you do? Only you will know so keep your head in the game.

    Stay strong, keep breathing, and don’t stop.

    What you will need:
    Foam Roller
    Rowing machine or jump rope
    Timer, Clock, or Watch
    Olympic barbell (preferably 2)
    Squat rack
    Various weighted plates

    10 minutes of foam rolling

    3 sets of 500m row (1 minute of rest between sets)
    5 minutes of jump rope

    4 exercises, 4 reps each exercise, AMRAP in 1-hour
    1 – 1:30 minute rest between sets

    This workout is flexible. You can stick with one weight load for each of the exercises or adjust as you see fit. Personally, I start off light with each of the exercises then progressively add more weight as I continue more sets. The thirst for Iron never stops!

    *The Multi-Tasker is what my girlfriend decided this workout should be called considering all its “moving parts” and testing one’s ability to concentrate.