• Hulk Out: The Multi-Tasker*

    The Multi-Tasker is an AMRAP-style workout. What’s AMRAP you say? As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible. If you’re familiar with GORUCK’s Training page, one who practices CrossFit, or a crazy meathead (-points at myself-), then this is a cringe worthy acronym.

    This particular workout is to be performed as a circuit: complete one exercise then move on to the next. Although it is only 4 exercises with 4 reps each exercise, this workout can sneak up on you quick. Make sure to get your stations at the ready ahead of time. We’re looking for total rounds completed during a set time. How long you rest and what you do between each set is entirely up to you. And as always, STAY TRUE TO FORM.

    With GR events, you’ll never know what the Cadre wants you to do until you’re instructed to do so. The Multi-Tasker is meant to keep you on your toes but keep you moving, while at the same time testing your abilities to concentrate.

    This is a gym friendly workout…well, figuratively speaking. You will be hogging a squat station for some time. If you’re lucky, grab 2 Olympic bars (one on the ground ready for the power clean/push press combo and one prepped for back squats). So be prepared to make gym-emies. It can be done at home as long as there’s enough space and can be easily modified by using sandbags or a heavy ruck.

    It’s you versus the clock. How many complete sets can you do? Only you will know so keep your head in the game.

    Stay strong, keep breathing, and don’t stop.

    What you will need:
    Foam Roller
    Rowing machine or jump rope
    Timer, Clock, or Watch
    Olympic barbell (preferably 2)
    Squat rack
    Various weighted plates

    10 minutes of foam rolling

    3 sets of 500m row (1 minute of rest between sets)
    5 minutes of jump rope

    4 exercises, 4 reps each exercise, AMRAP in 1-hour
    1 – 1:30 minute rest between sets

    This workout is flexible. You can stick with one weight load for each of the exercises or adjust as you see fit. Personally, I start off light with each of the exercises then progressively add more weight as I continue more sets. The thirst for Iron never stops!

    *The Multi-Tasker is what my girlfriend decided this workout should be called considering all its “moving parts” and testing one’s ability to concentrate.

  • Hulk Out: Chest Day

    What’s the quintessential exercise when you think about heading to the gym to workout? WRONG! It’s flat barbell bench press. (If you got it right, then yay… have a cookie.)

    Regular ol’ flat barbell bench press is a great exercise to do at the gym for upper body strength. The main muscles being worked are your chest and the secondary muscles affected can vary depending on grip style, grip width, angle of stabilizing surface (i.e. incline, flat, decline, or malleable), and varying weights used.

    The following  simple workout revolves around the flat barbell bench press as the heaviest lift of the workout. The push-ups before benching are your chest muscles warm-up; the exercises after benching help work the muscles that flat bench didn’t hit.

    With the bench press, focus on the task at hand and visualize what you will need to do. Add the weighted plates that you want to press, add them to the barbell, and lock them in place with the appropriate safety clips.

    Soon as you’re ready, lay on your back and keep it flat against the bench during the entirety of each set and rep. DO NOT ARCH YOUR BACK DURING MID-EXERCISE.

    Adjust where you need to be before pushing off – I like to line my eyes directly underneath the barbell.

    Brace your core (keep your ab muscles tight) and keep your feet comfortably on the ground. DO NOT FLAIL YOUR LEGS/FEET AROUND DURING MID-EXERCISE.

    Place your hands. Normally, shoulder width apart works fine. If your gym uses notched, Olympic bars, “measure” where shoulder width is for you. For this particular exercise, an overhand grip will be used.

    Take a deep breath in. Unrack the weight, Keep holding that breath while slowly lowering it down to lightly touch your chest muscles. After that initial touch, push the weight as fast as you can upwards while exhaling.

    Once the weight is pressed back to the top and arms are straight (aka locked out), then you’ve completed 1 rep while doing full range of motion. Congrats!

    Now pause, take a deep breath in, and repeat until sets are finished.

    DO NOT BOUNCE THE WEIGHT OFF YOUR CHEST WHEN DOING ANY HEAVY BENCH EXERCISES. Failing to do so can lead to serious injuries and even death. So don’t do it. Be safe and have a spotter readily available regardless if you can bench the weight flawlessly or have initial concerns before pressing.

    Now I’m a gym guy and love Iron.  But this workout along with many of the workouts that I refer to can easily be adapted for non-gym goers. For this particular workout, various styles of push-ups and stretchy bands can do what Iron does.

    Stay strong, keep breathing, and be hungry.


    What You Will Need:
    Foam Roller
    Rowing Machine or Jump Rope
    Flat Bench Press Station + Various Weighted Plates

    10 minutes of foam rolling

    3 sets of 500m row (1 minute rest between sets) OR 5 minutes of jump rope

    4 exercises, different sets, various reps
    Rest for 1:30-2:00 minutes between sets.
    Rest for 2:00-3:00 minutes between exercises.

    Push-Up: 3 sets of 5-6 reps

    • Preferably on the ground
    • Maintain proper push-up position the entire time (feet together, hands shoulder width apart, back straight, core tight)
      -arms straight on the up
      -triceps (back of arms) parallel to the ground on the down

    Flat Barbell Bench Press: 9 sets at a 30X1 tempo (See GORUCK Glossary for Tempo Training.)

    • Have a spotter available
    • Record your weight progressions for the following pyramid set:
      -12 reps ___________
      -10 reps ___________
      -8 reps ___________
      -6 reps ___________
      -5 reps ___________
      -4 reps ___________
      -3 reps ___________
      -2 reps ___________
      -1 rep ___________

    Alternating Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 6 reps

    • Laying on a flat bench.

    Dumbbell Flies: 3 sets of 6-8 reps

    • Laying on a flat bench.

    To make your chest muscles really hate you for the next couple of days or to fully push your chest muscles, do 3 sets of 10 -12 reps of incline bench press before the flat bench and 3 sets of 10-12 reps of decline bench press after the flat bench. Choose your weights accordingly and have a spotter available.

    Carry a small notebook and pen and record all the weights that you’ve used for each of the above exercises. It’s a great way to track progress and plan future workouts.

  • Hulk Out: Demon Workout

    It’s earned this name mainly because of it’s unholy number of 666: 6 exercises, 6 reps each, 6 sets total. Although the numbers look low, it’s very deceiving and meant to be treated like a non-stop circuit.

    DO NOT…I repeat…DO NOT BLAZE THROUGH THIS WORKOUT! You are not racing anyone. There is no timer involved except during your rest breaks between sets. Again as mentioned in my bio, I’m a stickler on technique. So focus on your form and your breathing.

    You will need space. Yes, you will hog a workout bench at the gym. Yes, you will hog all the dumbbells. Regarding that, you should separate dumbbells for each of the listed exercises below (i.e. dumbbells heavy enough to push your muscles through chest presses, dumbbells heavy enough for a bent over single arm row, dumbbells that you can do overhead tricep extensions with, and dumbbells for hammer curls – unless weights overlap).

    Stay strong, keep breathing, and don’t give up.

    What you will need:
    Foam Roller
    Rowing machine or jump rope
    Lots of dumbbells for various exercises
    A workout bench or something, flat, sturdy and stable to lay on/lean over/sit
    A weighted plate

    10 minutes of foam rolling

    3 sets of 500m row (1 minute rest between sets) OR 5 minutes of jump rope

    6 exercises, 6 reps each exercise, 6 sets
    Rest for 1:30 – 2:00 minutes between sets

    Alternating Dumbbell Press

        -laying on a flat bench

    Weighted Plate (or dumbbell) Raise

        -Raise weight to shoulder height, 3 second pause, raise to overhead, then lower to start – That’s 1 rep.

    Single-Arm Bent Over Dumbbell Row

        – 6 reps with one arm then switch.

    Seated Tricep Overhead Extension

        -Keep your back straight while seated and perform 6 reps with one arm then switch.

    Alternating Bicep Hammer Curls

    Pistol Squat

      -With your back straight and while looking forward at a mirror, perform 6 reps with one leg then switch.


    Each exercise, excluding the Weighted Plate Raise, should take you about 3 second to lower the weight and another 3 seconds to raise it and vice versa. Feel the squeeze of each muscle; focus on that breathing. This is all about control and strength. AGAIN, speed is not the focus.