Hard strength training drains our physical energy. When we reach a certain point, our body will try to stop us from moving. Your breathing becomes really fast, you cannot lift your arms or even stand on your feet. But as most of you know, strength training doesn’t stop there, especially when you have a personal trainer beside you. Personal trainers will push you until your mental energy takes over your body. That is when your real training starts.
You are really tired and you do not want to keep going anymore. You just think you should not train anymore. But your trainer won’t let you quit. He/she demands you to drive forward. In order for you to keep going, you must use the strength of your mental attitude to keep you going. Through this kind of training, we will know that our physical limitation is not really our limitation and will also develop a sense of “don’t quit and keep going”.
This kind of training is also a small version of our life. There are moments in our life that we cannot run away from. In such situations, the most important thing we should have is a sense of “don’t quit and keep going”. By training hard with our mind, we can also gain self-confidence in which we can overcome any kind of crushing situations.
There is more to learn from this kind of training. We should appreciate those trainers who give us the hard training. Hard training, after all, is for us to improve our mental attitude not just our physical. Some individuals at some point hate their personal trainer because they gave them difficult training and boundaries. But one day they notice that it was only for them to improve their conditioning skills AND their mental attitude.
Here is also a very important thing to learn. Trust. Personal trainers will give you difficult training because they know this training will pay off and improve your strength and mental attitude. When clients realize that, a strong bond is developed between the trainer and client. This is a moment of connection. We’ve all heard this before but it is not the same as “sunk in”.
We need discipline to take hard training and we gain such senses of “not giving up” and improving our mental attitude. Strength and conditioning has created great personal trainers. Those trainers are not only there to hold you accountable and build a great body. Those trainers are their for you to improve you mental attitude and not to give up.
Thanks for reading.
Vincent A.
“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill

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