“It takes a village to raise a child.”

We have all heard the saying, and there is truth in it. From family members, to friends, to those wanting to help that child to grow up to be happy. We all have a stake in the future of that child.

So what happens when that child begins a fight against things they can’t understand, a fight they never asked for – one they are forced to undertake?
“It takes a village to raise a child, and a SQUAD to support – because it’s what we do.”

Those of you that are here reading this know that time stands still for no one, and the support engine of our Team was recently activated to help a life that has just begun. I have been blessed to be contacted by a friend within 1SFG that one of theirs – Shayla – was undergoing a battle against leukemia. Let me take a slight step back and give you all the complete story:

Shayla was born in June of 2015 with a birth diagnosis of Down Syndrome, Transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM)( pre leukemia condition), and a Ventricular septal defect (VSD).  The tam resolved by itself at 3 months old as expected requiring no further treatment but due to it required once a month blood draws to check for a relapse into childhood leukemia, she had open heart surgery at 4 months old at Seattles Children’s to repair her VSD. Now at 2 years old, on her monthly blood check they found abnormal cells which lead to further testing which lead to the diagnosis of childhood AML (Acute myeloid leukemia), within 24 hours of diagnosis she had a medicine port implanted on her chest, and 48 hours later started her first round of Chemotherapy… 5 more months of treatment expected to follow if all goes “well”….

“….if all goes well…”

Words that grip me like a vise on my heart. I understand all too well the feelings of watching your child go through bullshit like this. My son fought a blood disorder that was trying to kill his immune system. Although it was years ago, as a parent –you never forget.

We have helped some wonderful children that bring joy and happiness to this unforgiving and brutal world. From Arden to Avery, we have come together in so many special ways because in the end – our children are our future and they matter the most.

“I am blessed because I was asked if WE could help. It will never be about me…ever.”

On August 19th, 2017, we will come together to take the Strength given to us from the fight that Shayla now endures, and return that Strength right back to her. If you want to help us, come and embrace the wonderful dysfunctional love of our Team by joining us on that day. I PROMISE you, it is one that you won’t want to miss.

If you’re TRVLSQD – you know EXACTLY what I mean by “….you won’t want to miss.”

And to you, Shayla, I apologize for the wonderful Team that you’ll soon meet. They are a beautiful bunch of people that do really weird, wonderful things because we all believe that everyone deserves to be happy – most of all you. Save that strength – we are the ones that need it more than you!

For more information on this special event, you can email me at I’ll respond as quickly as I can. 

Aloha to you all,


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